Don't listen to these scrubs who tell you they want more bass. There is plenty of bass in this track. Don't ruin your track for everyone with a decent audio system by turning up the bass to compensate for these randoms who are using 5$ computer speakers.
Turning up the bass would make an unavoidable sloppy mess of the entire song for anyone playing this in a club, at home with tower speakers, anyone with a sub, and anyone with a decent car stereo system. These kids are used to tracks on newgrounds being mastered on computer speakers with the bass boosted to compensate for their speakers lack of bass..
Pro tip: Fuck them.
If you want to hear good sound, then get a good sound system. If you want more bass than you have than get a decent pair of speakers and an amp to match them. If you want more bass then (I doubt anyone would), then get a crossover and a sub.
Until them, stop spamming this excellently mastered song with terrible advice about how to master bass.